Doctor Who's Alt-History.

TV Not as I expected the more outrider moments in the spin-off media, this io9 post is instead a thoroughly well researched list of tipping points in Doctor Who's history and some other stuff, including:
14) That time Nick Briggs was the 9th Doctor (who wore a Prisoner-style jacket and a toothbrush)

Well, for a while in the Doctor Who Magazine comic strip during the late 1990's at any rate.

It's possibly the most brilliant bait-and-switch in Doctor Who history, and they got tons of letters from pissed off fans who were outraged when the 8th Doctor appeared to regenerate into a balding man with a penchant for dental equipment formal wear. And bless their hearts, the DWM editors stuck to their guns and played everything completely serious for four whole months, even showing off a few publicity photos of Nick in costume as the new "face of Doctor Who" ...
Not quite old enough to be a fan yet, I entirely missed this glorious bit of editorialship from Gary Gillatt.  I can imagine those letters.  Having been spoilt years ago on this by, um, buying later editions it won't be quite the same when I reach those comics, but I'm looking forward to it nonetheless.

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