"rerunning The Brain of Morbius or Pyramids of Mars"

TV It's only just now, reading Philip Sandifer's excellent analysis of The Five Faces of Doctor Who that I've realised why my vague memory of it is different to everyone elses. I always thought it was five random episodes. Only now has it occurred to me that I'd somehow decided -- or my parents had decided since I was that young -- that it was only on once a week so I only watched episode four of each story.

 Here's Philip trying to get to grips with why Logopolis was chosen to represent Baker and not anything in the previous seven years:
"The real issue, let’s be blunt, is that Nathan-Turner knew better than to rerun something from the Whitehouse-hated and very technically adept Hinchcliffe era. So the real obvious choice of rerunning The Brain of Morbius or Pyramids of Mars - both quite old and nostalgic - got skipped. Heck, even rerunning The Hand of Fear as a lead-in to what Nathan-Turner had planned for December was skipped. Given the ferocity with which Nathan-Turner would begin adamantly insisting that the memory cheated with regards to this era (despite the fact that the era was being released on VHS and it was abundantly clear to everyone that, for instance, Pyramids of Mars and The Robots of Death really were a damn sight better than Terror of the Vervoids), it is difficult to read this omission as anything other than Nathan-Turner not wanting to deal with direct comparisons between his era and the Hinchcliffe era."
It's not a bad conclusion, but in trying to choose representative stories anyway, JNT was on to a loser. As Philip somewhat says, none of the Doctors are internally consistent within their own eras either in character or style. 

The Hinchliffe Fourth Doctor is a different character to the one with Douglas Adams's lines just as earlier the First Doctor who turns up in The War Machines is far sunnier than the dark figure who stalks the junkyard in An Unearthly Child.

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