cultivated a fair few grudges

TV I've cultivated a fair few grudges across the years, and I'm less embarrassed about some more than others. But none of them really come close to Tucker Carlson, who five years ago when presenting a CNN discussion show called Crossfire was on the receiving end of Jon Stewart's verbal lashing, one so clever that it turned Carlson's own audience against him and its said ultimately led to the programme's cancellation.

Carlson recently appeared on CNN and its apparent he's not entirely forgiven Stewart yet. In fact, he says that partisanship was behind The Daily Show's recent interest in CNBC which led to the Jim Cramer interview. The Huffington Post have a transcript and clip of the meltdown in which Carlson seems to keep changing his mind on what his own personal politics is depending upon the point he's trying to make.

In talking about this, the presenters of "Reliable Sources" do not let him rest and harangue him, agreeing pretty much with Stewart's approach and his message -- that journalists need to be doing their job properly -- exactly what Stewart was saying all those years ago on Crossfire. The only defence Carlson seems to have is exactly the one he had five years ago -- Stewart had one of the few John Kerry interviews and didn't ask him any tough questions. Well no, because Stewart isn't a journalist. And he's pissed off that some people in the US actually calling themselves journalists don't seem to be be either.

Thank god for the BBC.

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