
Film The adage 'everyone is entitled to their opinion' is being stretched to the very limit by the web's reaction to M J Simpson's review of The Hitchhiker's Guide To The Galaxy film from genuine misunderstands and misreadings to outright slander, people are staggering about trying to come to terms with why anyone would need to be so negative about a franchise they obviously hold so dear (although someone should ask me about Doctor Who's Four To Doomsday some time). What's particularly disturbing is that often the people attacking him, haven't actually seen the film themselves, but are assuming it must be good, so he must be wrong. Off hand I'm more likely to believe someone who's been very close to a subject for a number of years over a passing tourist, and anyone who knows the story of this film's arduous progress to the screen should probably prepare for the worst. That said, I'm still going with an open mind and hoping for the best, simply because I've never seen anything lately which has created such a wide spectrum of critical opinion. Simpson for his part has gone on the offensive on the Magrathea news site blowing holes in the libel where he can.

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