Links for 2005-01-23 []

Links for 2005-01-23 []

  • How a Ukrainian band emerged from the chaos of the 'Orange Revolution'
    Excellent article examining the Ukrainian music scene; also offers an example of how John Peel's death was a global tragedy
  • Rodeo in Salem gets unexpected song rendition
    "If he had been out there a minute longer, I think somebody would have shot him," Coming soon to "Da Ali G Show."
  • Top 11 Best Written Uses of Product Placement
    Number Eleven: 'Adventures In Babysitting' (or 'A Night On The Town') An article all about working the product into the film so far it becomes part of the plot without seeming like advertising.
  • Ricky Gervais. 'Extras'. Introducing : Andy Millman.
    I'm just date stamping this so that I can see how long it takes before it reaches the mainstream media in the UK. They seem to think Gervais is a god so I'm sure its going to be picked up. We'll see.
  • The Mitchell & Kenyon Collection
    Mini-site for the BBC Two series @ the BFI. Once seen, never forgotten.
  • Waking Dream
    Richard Linklater talks about the lucid dreaming phenomina and his film 'Waking Life'. After reading this I find myself wondering how much of his work has been informed by the experience, even 'School of Rock'
  • For The Love Of The Rings. An interview with the cast and crew of Fellowship! The Musical.
    Says it all really.
  • Grow Up? Not So Fast
    Erm, that's me ...
  • Firefox Help: Tips
  • Isn't It Ironic
    Dissecting the song lyrics. I still buy into the idea that the irony of the song is that there is no irony.
  • fitness to practice
  • Google Search: " as * as a *"
    'As affectionate as a dog, as sanitary as a cat', and other comparisons
  • Group Photo on Porch
    This is excellent for some reason
  • Yankee Fog: Looking Where The Light Is Good
    Following on from my controversially mean spirited post about giving up on award ceremonies, here is an example of why you should give up on award ceremonies.
  • Architect unveils his vision for northern super city
    "An architect's vision of a futuristic 'super city' stretching from Leeds, Hull and Liverpool has been unveiled."
  • Faking it
    When is a sacred artifact, not an artifact
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