Education Imagine how you would feel. You've toiled for nine months in preparation for resitting an exam. Then, just before you're due to take it, you find out that there had been an administrative error and you'd passed it anyway in the first place. You could have spent that time contructively working on an extra subject which have helped you into university. Now all you're qualified for is a back end college. I've heard this story a few times before actually, stemming from the cock-up that was results day in Scotland last year when thousands of teenagers received the wrong results, most shrugged and moved on. Not this girl. She's going to sue: "This is one of the more extreme cases to come out of the fiasco. Many of the other pupils who were let down did not bother to sue because they wanted to get on with their lives. But Claire feels she is entitled to claim compensation for the stress, distress and trauma this has caused her. We are also trying to claim compensation for the fact that she spent a year unnecessarily studying a subject again, which may have harmed her academic career. There is no legal precedent for the latter claim, so we are breaking new ground." Fingers crossed.

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