Running Out of Time (Big Finish Audio Short Trips 1).

Audio Nasty. Coming across like a repurposed Torchwood story, this sees the Doctor shifting through time as he attempts to stop the consciousness of an evil doer, implanted into the subconscious of a six year old orphan by an alien witch from regaining control.  With such a slender running time, just fifteen minutes, a lot of story is covered but the process of it isn't especially entertaining to listen to, especially since most of the story is in reported speech during an expositional conversation.  Would work just as well with Captain Jack wandering through at key moments in the man's life rather than the TARDIS stopping by, the climax feeling tonally off for the main franchise even taking into account some of the excesses of the EDAs and Dark Eyes.  Just about worth listening to for when India Fisher breaks from her purposefully monotone reading of the prose (using her Masterchef voice) and we hear her version of the Eighth Doctor.  He's travelling alone.  I've put this early in this incarnation, during the Sam's at Glastonbury gap.

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