Tree Tables.

Design A company in Derbyshire is growing furniture, bending and crafting trees so that they become tables and chairs:
“When you look at it from a manufacturing point of view and from a design point of view, it actually makes total sense. Why would you grow trees, chop them down with all the faff? Why don’t you just grow the shape you want and it is eminently scalable? You can make thousands of these in the same way as you can make 10, but each one is unique,” said Munro.

The idea for the method came when he was working as a gardener in California and making furniture from washed-up driftwood on the side. He recalled how a bonsai tree his mother had when he was a child outgrew itself to resemble a throne. “Why do we need to bring all of these things together – chop the trees down, make them small, stick them back together again. We can just start from growing the tree from the beginning.”
Tremendous amount of faff for something which most of us won't be able to afford. But the resulting pieces should be ravishing. Find above the inevitable TEDx talk from the Gavin Munro, the founder.

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