The Oxford Paragraphs:
The Bible
Authorized King James Version
with Apocrypha

Books Of all the Christmas presents I knew I would be receiving this year, I hadn't thought it likely that the King James Bible would be the book which would capture so much of my attention. Yet, here I am on New Year's Day having completed the introduction, notes and extended extracts of this noticeably academic approach (text originally edited in the 1966) along the way experiencing solace, marvel, frustration, anger and fury (Leviticus) but ultimately surprise at how this book could be the cause of so much love and inspiration, death and destruction in a way that only goes to underscore the inconsistency of human beings. By treating it as literature, the editors are able to dispassionately review the quality of the words and investigate the dating of the books and authorship, underscoring that even the original scrolls are an interpretation of earlier stories and "manuscripts", never mind the bias later inserted through translation.

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