Art Gormley's human exhibit wins battle of Trafalgar:
"Gormley's proposal One And Other is that the plinth is occupied for 100 consecutive days, 24 hours a day, by members of the public who have volunteered to stand on it for an hour at a time." [...] "Over this period 2,400 people will be able to participate." [...] "Gormley said: "Through elevation on to the plinth and removal from common ground, the body becomes a metaphor, a symbol and allows us to reflect on the diversity, vulnerability and particularity of the individual in contemporary society." "
I'd hate to be on the Friday night 3am shift. "What are you doin' up there for?" "I'm a sculpture." "No you're not." "I am, I'm a symbol too." "A symbol of what?" "Oh just go away will you." "Don't you tell me what to do, 'symbol'. Can I have a go?"

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