
Politics I don't know anything about anything but I'm fairly sure that the Conservatives are going to win the next General Election.


This is why.

The main news story that buzzed around the Lib Dem conference was whether Ming is a good leader. At the Labour conference it was about when Tony would stop being leader and who else would have a chance. At the Tory conference all the talk is about infighting over a policy, using this word that has very much been on the back burner for the past fortnight. And no one is questioning David's legitimacy, at least not in public.

I'd imagine it'll be some time before the news story moves away from the personalities in the other parties, and by then the public will have more of an idea of Tory policy than anyone else's and people will always vote for the party they know something about unless they're stuck with a habit.

Which means I'll inevitably by voting for the Libs Dems again. But Charles will be back in charge by then. See -- don't know anything about anything.

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