People It's rumoured that one of Ashley Judd's next films will be Star Trek X -- talk about coming full circle, returning to one of her original acting roles as Wesley Crusher's girlfriend. Glancing down the list at the IMDb, there isn't much her career which really leaps out -- 'Ruby in Paradise' perhaps, and 'Heat' -- 'The Passion of Darkly Moon' if you're in a kind mood. As Flametracker describes for someone who showed so much promise so early on in her career, it's a shame that she's been lately treading water:
"In the strange alchemy of Hollywood, tough chicks who hide .38s in the folds of their strapless gowns don't actually get to have sex with anyone, unless it's the abusive creep in the movie's first act -- which might in part explain why audiences didn't buy Judd in the repellently bland romantic comedy Someone Like You, in which she starred with Hugh Jackman. Similarly, no one flocked to see her in Where the Heart Is, in which she played the kind of down-home country gal that, at least on paper, once seemed likely to become her bread-and-butter -- the kind of character that Ruby, by all rights, should have been but wasn't, thanks mostly to Judd's transcendent skills."
There is the theory that Judd's career has been hijacked by Angelina Jolie -- the two are very similar, but Jolie is a bit taller. That said, like Wes, when I see her, my neutinos start drifting (geeky Star Trek injoke inc.).

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