People Anyone who saw Michael Moore's 'The Big One' will know how adventurous his book tours are. No film about this one, (his new movie is about gun control), but this piece in Shift suggests that 'Stupid White Men' has bred an even grander experience:
"First there is the activist-girl with the glint in her eye, who steps up to the mic, not to ask a question, but to plug her own affair. She is followed by a member of an independent political party, who does not have a question either (nor a chance of being elected to Parliament), but takes the opportunity to announce to the audience his candidacy and an upcoming fundraising benefit. Neither step down from the mic until Moore has relayed back to the audience an endorsement for their particular brand of activism."
It's you're own fault Michael. If you build yourself up as the people's champion, it means you have to champion all of the people.

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